Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Station Rebates – Iowa Association of Electric Cooperatives (IAEC)
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Deal Score0
Type: Utility/Private Incentives | Jurisdiction: Iowa
Members of IAEC may offer rebates to residential and commercial customers for the installation of qualifying Level 2 EV charging stations. Local cooperatives that may currently offer these incentives include:
- Allamakee-Clayton Electric Cooperative
- Butler County Rural Electric Cooperative
- Calhoun County Electric Cooperative Association
- Consumers Energy
- Eastern Iowa Light & Power Cooperative
- Farmers Electric Cooperative
- Franklin Rural Electric Cooperative
- Guthrie County Rural Electric Cooperative
- Harrison County Rural Electric Cooperative
- Iowa Lakes Electric Cooperative
- Linn County Rural Electric Cooperative
- Maquoketa Valley Electric Cooperative
- Midland Power Cooperative
- MiEnergy Cooperative
- Pella Cooperative Electric Association
- Prairie Energy Cooperative
- Raccoon Valley Electric Cooperative
- Southwest Iowa Rural Electric Cooperative
- T.I.P. Rural Electric Cooperative
- Western Iowa Power Cooperative
For more information, including a full list of member cooperatives and available incentives, see the IAEC website.