Plug-in Electric Vehicle and Off-Road Equipment Rebates – VPPSA
Type: Utility/Private Incentives | Jurisdiction: Vermont
Vermont Public Power Supply Authority (VPPSA) member customers are eligible for rebates of up to $1,000 on the purchase of a new all-electric vehicle (EV), and up to $500 on the purchase of a new plug-in hybrid electric vehicle (PHEV). VPPSA also offers rebates of $500 for the purchase of a pre-owned EV and $250 for the purchase of a pre-owned PHEV. Low-income customers may receive an additional $400 rebate for a new EV or PHEV.
Additional rebates are available for the purchase of an electric forklift, residential or commercial lawnmower, and other yard care equipment.
For more information visit the VPPSA Electric Vehicle Rebate website.